Questions :
new ipod nano 8th generation release date review, ipod nano 2012 Answer : actually apple plans to release the new version of ipod nano on 2012. Apple plans to make the new ipod is not just a mini music player, but it will include of a camera and more games inside.
According to Apple insider article, apple is planning to add new camera sensor and some new features for their new devices that support wallpaper and touch screen. The MIC Gadget has reported the image of
ipod nano 8th generation that has been leaked on internet is actually a prototype and it can be canged by the apple as well as they need. But many ipod user are asked about the camera that will be included on the ipod nano 8th generation, has it will produce a high quality image ? or the camera is only a feature to make the ipod user want to buy it.
But when
ipod nano 8th generation release date ? until now we did not get a clearly information about that. But on the we can get informations that iPod Nano 8th Generation could be released on first quarter or second quarter of this years. Yes because until now we didn t got any actuall news about this device, so we only have to wait for the launch of ipod nano 8th generation