Defender II v1.0.3 APK
Defender II v1.0.3 APK.. New battle mode, new lava moat, new tower, new research center, new crossbows!
Defender II, the ultimate tower defense is coming with many new features!
Waves of monsters are attacking your castle. They move fast, strike hard, and never give up.
However, Defender is more powerful than ever before! What's more, Lava moat, Magic Towers will fight together with Defender!
PlAY nOw!
- Touch screen to shoot arrows.
- Drag and drop spell icon to cast a spell.
- Lava Moat: Burns enemies when they drop into lava moat.
- Magic Tower: Provide MANA for spells. Also attacks enemie magically.
- City Wall: Upgrade city wall to increase health point.
- Mana: Mana is required to cast a spell.
- Strength: Increase the damange of a arrow.
- Agility: Increase shooting frequency.
- Weapon: Select and equip proper bow to defend.
- Power shot: Repel monsters.
- Fatal Blow: Double damange with certain possibility.
- Fixed a bug of Boss on some devices.
- Optimized for ice cream sandwich.
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