Android comes to football management game world's best selling Football Manager Handheld 2012 lets you enjoy the best job in the world, wherever you are and whenever you want.YOU decide!
Sit on the bench of the club you choose from among the league of 12 countries, and takes over the transfer of training, tactics, and manage your computer in real time during game days, a task to which you face in short sessions, while going to work, or evenings marathon couch.
There is an experience for everyone, fans can choose to pursue a career in the league in a given country or face the Challenge mode (exclusive of the Handheld version), which provides short-term scenario with a specific objective must achieve. In any case, the coach will face real situations with real players drawn from the huge global network of scouts from Sports Interactive.
The 12 countries whose leagues are included in Football Manager Handheld for Android are: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Scotland, Spain and Wales.
You can play in 4 languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish.
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